Used daily, this care product can stop hair loss and stimulates regrowth.
Stress, fatigue, season changes, pregnancy and pollution can all cause transient hair loss. Novophane anti-hair loss lotion visibly reduces
the rate of hair loss and stimulates regrowth, giving visible results as early as 6 weeks*.
It stimulates scalp micro-circulation thanks to vitamin PP and regulates sebum production thanks to biotin, vitamin B6 and grapefruit and orange essential oils. Your hair rapidly regains its strength, vigour and volume.
Easy to apply thanks to its pump bottle, it can be used on dry or wet hair and requires no rinsing. Designed for both women and men, it offers excellent skin tolerance and does not irritate the scalp.
لوشن لعلاج تساقط الشعر . يقلل من تساقط الشعر و يزيد من معدل النمو . يحسن من الدورة الدموية لفروة الرأس ويحمي الشعر من العوامل الخارجية التي تتسبب في تلف الشعر يوضع مرة يوميا علي فروة الرأس مع التدليك ولا يشطف - يرش 12 بخة فى المرة الواحدة - ترج العبوة قبل الاستخدام